All Practice Problems

Problem # 521

Let's work through a halogenation reaction. Draw the structures for each of the species in the four boxes below (3º carbocation, halonium ion, protonated thiol, and thiol). Also draw curved arrows to show electron movement. Note: thiol = RSH, like an alcohol, but with sulfur instead of oxygen.

Problem # 522

Let's work through a 1,2 and 1,4 addition. Draw the structures for each of the species in the six boxes below. Also draw curved arrows to show electron movement. 

Problem # 525

On the molecule below, mark each stereocenter with an asterisk. (Note: in some textbooks, stereocenters are referred to as stereogenic centers, chirality centers, or asymmetric centers).

Problem # 526

Assign R or S configuration for each molecule below.

a) is straightforward. I've started you off in b).

Problem # 527

Draw the structure of (2R,3S) 2-bromo-3-chlorobutane using wedges and dashes. Also draw a Fischer projection.

Problem # 528

Indicate which of the molecules below are chiral (if any).

Problem # 529

Indicate the major organic product of the reaction below. Include stereochemistry.

Problem # 530


Let's work through anti and syn additions to alkenes.
Show the product for each reaction below, and indicate whether the product will be a racemic mixture of enantiomers, or a meso compound (which is achiral).

Problem # 531


E2 elimination reactions require anti-coplanar geometry. (note: some textbooks call this anti-periplanar).
Let's work through an E2 reaction, and rotate the molecule eblow into an anti-coplanar geometry to predict the product of this E2 reaction.


Problem # 532

Let's work through a chiral resolution. Write out the structure of the indicated compound in each box. Include stereochemistry.

Why is it possible to separate the (R,R) and (R,S) salts?