Mechanism (show a mechanism using curved arrows..)

Problem # 659

The mass spec of 4-nonanone shows peaks at m/z = 58, 71, 86, 99.

Using curved arrows or hooks, show how each of these fragments can form via alpha cleavage or the McLafferty rearrangement. (and draw the structure of the indicated species in the appropriate box).

Problem # 658

The mass spec of methyl ethyl ether shows peaks at m/z = 45 and 59.

Use hooks to show the alpha cleavages that result in these two fragments.

Problem # 657

The mass spec of chlorocyclohexane shows a peak at m/z = 83.

Use curved arrows to show the heterolytic cleavage that accounts for this fragment.

Problem # 616

Let's go through another way to make benzyne.

First, let's form a Grignard reagent. Then, let's elminate to form benzyne.

Problem # 615

Let's go through a benzyne reaction (also called elimination-addition).

In the reaction below, the strong base (NaNH2) will form a benzyne intermediate, which when forms either ortho nitroaniline or meta nitroaniline.

Used curved arrows to show the formation of each intermediate and the final products.

Problem # 612

Draw a mechanism for the nucleophilic aromatic substitution (SNAr) reaction below. Show all resonance forms of the intermediate.

Problem # 611

Draw in the arrows to show the electron flow and resonance forms in the nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction below.

Note: Depending on the textbook, nucleophilic aromatic substitution is referred to as NAS, SNAr, or addition-elimination.


Problem # 595

Phenol can be prepared from benzene and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a really strong acid. Propose a mechanism for this reaction.

Problem # 587

Use curved arrows to draw a mechanism for the generic electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS) reaction below.

Problem # 581

Draw all products for the two reactions below.

The allylic alkene gives two products- the 1,2 product, and the 1,4 product. 

However, the benzylic alkene only gives the one product (analogous to the 1,2 product), instead of multiple products (like the 1,4 product, 1,6 product, and 1,8 product). Why is this the case?